Re-print Pay Advices

This menu option provides a shortcut to Step 9 of the Payrun Wizard, which enables you to re-print or email payslips from a previous payrun if required.

To Access Pay Advices:

  1. From Navigator, select Payroll | Payrun | Re-print pay advices
    The Payrun Wizard will open at Step 1, showing all the available payruns to be reported on.
  2. Select the Updated or Completed payrun for which you want to reprint pay advices.
    In the bottom half of the window Open a Payrun for Pay Advices will automatically be checked.
  3. Click Next.
    The Payrun Wizard displays Printing Hardcopy Payslips

To Reprint Pay Advices:

  1. On the Printing Hardcopy Payslips screen, select the type of hardcopy payslip you require
  2. Click Print on the toolbar above the list to print the payslips now.
  3. Click Cancel if no further action is required

Resending Emailed Pay Advices:

  1. At the bottom of the Printing Hardcopy Payslips screen, click Next.
  2. Select the required Pay Advice format.
  3. In the Employees to be sent section of the window, select the employees to whom you want to email pay advices. (Hold down Ctrl or Shift to select more than one employee.)
  4. Click the Email button on the toolbar above the list.
  5. In the Pay Advice Email Message pop-up box type in the subject and message that you would like to send with each pay advice.
  6. Click OK.
    The emails will all be sent and a confirmation message will appear once the emailing is complete.
  7. Click Cancel on the bottom of the window if no further action is required

If you click Next at Emailing Payslips, this will display the Payrun Reports step of the Wizard - see Reports for information on this.